Engine 61 is our primary apparatus for emergency response. It is equipped with a full compliment of firefighting, vehicle extrication, and emergency medical equipment to handle any sort of call the EPVFD may be dispatched to.
2011 Freightliner Pierce Contender
1000 GPM Water Tank
1250 GPM Pump
Equipped with TNT Rescue Tools

Tanker 63 is our water supply apparatus. It carries 2750 gallons of water to back E-61 up on any large fire outside of the hydrant district. It may also be requested for additional water supply throughout Putnam County. Tanker 63 also is equipped with a basic firefighting compliment to act as a secondary engine in the absence of Engine 61.
2015 Freightliner Pierce Tanker
2750 Gallon Water Tank
1000 GPM Pump

Squad 64 is our quick response all hazards apparatus. It is equipped with a basic firefighting compliment, basic vehicle extrication equipment, basic haz-mat equipment, and a full compliment of emergency medical equipment. It is also a 4x4 equipped with a winch. Due to the frequency of calls in our zone and going to assist other stations zones, Squad 64 is equipped to handle any call until Engine 61 is able to arrive.
2011 Ford F-550
400 Gallon Water Tank
250 GPM Pump
Equipped with Hurst Jaws Of Life Rescue Tool

Brush 67 is our brush fire response unit. It is equipped with basic wildland firefighting tools and hose compliment to tackle fires in spots normal apparatus would not be able to access. It is a 4x4 truck equipped with a winch and brush guard to get into even the most tough of terrain. It is also equipped with basic medical equipment to access patients in hard-to-reach areas.
2005 Ford F-550
400 Gallon Water Tank
250 GPM Pump